11 March, 2016

Spurious correlation!

Number of Nicholas Cage Movies
Drownings by Falling into a Swimming Pool

From: tylervigen.com.

Standard statistical methods applied to general time series might not work.

Cointegration extends regression methods to cover more cases.

I'll talk about implementation of solution methods.


Generating model

I(0) time series are formally expressed

Vector of n most recent values

Integration order

A series xt is called I(1) if


The I(1) vector xt is cointegrated if there exists a vector β such that

An autoregressive model

Simplified. The VECM extends this.

Cointegration from this view

The I(1) series xt has cointegration rank 1 if

Rank r cointegration of k series

Require each series to be I(1).

α, β full column rank


   ... and Haiku

A very drunk man. Out walking his faithful dog. Cointegration.

Testing for cointegration rank r

Find α, β of rank r (not unique!).

MLE solution

Johansson developed a maximum likelihood estimate of α and β.

Not that Johansson!

Actually, it was Søren Johansen, the Danish economist.


Simplified. The Yj matrices are derived from Xt.

Likelihood function

Sample covariance estimate

MLE requires solving

A generalized eigenvalue problem!

We need that


Johansen shows that

We desire the eigenvalues and a basis for the span of the columns of β.

One solution: The Generalized SVD


Then there exist U, V w/orthonormal columns and nonsingular Z s.t.:


Generalized singular values

Generalized eigenvalues of

Alternative approach

Doornik and O'Brien (2001) use the SVD. Their example

shows a complete loss of accuracy for δ < 10-6 when solved directly but works fine with the SVD approaches.


Doornik, Jurgen A., and R. J. O'Brien. "Numerically stable cointegration analysis." Computational statistics & data analysis 41.1 (2002): 185-193.

Johansen, Søren. "Statistical analysis of cointegration vectors." Journal of economic dynamics and control 12.2 (1988): 231-254.

These slides are available at
